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About Us

About Us

Bottesford Baptist Church is a group of ordinary people of every age who have experienced God’s love and grace which has transformed our lives. We meet together to encourage each another to worship God and live according to his ways in every area of life - home, work, school and neighbourhoods. Although we have met God we are a ‘work in progress’ as we are continually transformed so please don’t expect to find perfect people.

2,000 years ago the early church met in Temples, Synagogues and households. Today we follow a similar pattern as we gather on a Sunday, as regularly as we can, with an informal and relaxed style of worship, incorporating both modern and older songs; we seek to work out what the Bible says about God and how to follow his ways and also meet in smaller groups to develop deeper relationships where we can be open, vulnerable and honest about some of the struggles in life and encourage each other as we work out how to live with God as King of our lives.

The church is self governed by a group within the church who provide oversight for all of church life while the church is led by a leadership team, which is headed up by our minister. We have close relationships with other local churches and work hard to be part of a united church in the area. We also have close links with the wider Baptist Community through the Baptist Union as well as local Baptist Churches in Scunthorpe and Epworth.

You will find more information on this website and please feel free to visit us and we look forward to welcoming you.

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