Just Looking
We believe that Jesus is not only the centre of the Christian faith but also human history.
Our desire is that all should have the opportunity to find out about this central character in history.
This section of our website is to help anybody who might be looking to find out more about what it means to be a Christian.
Someone once said that 'Christians aren't perfect - just forgiven', there is real truth to this. If you have come across a people who claim the moral
high ground and look down upon others then we are sorry this has been your experience. Jesus never intended his followers to behave in such a way. To be a follower of Jesus is life-giving and life transforming. It changes our perspective on who we are, in fact in defines who we are, and it
challenges our behaviour towards others.
As you will see from our values we believe that is important to "Love God", but that love is motivated by his love for us shown supremely by the death of Jesus on the cross. We "Love Each Other" in the church family and that declares our allegiance to Jesus. We also are called to make a difference in the world in which we which we live, this we believe begins on our own doorstep by "Loving our community."