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Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings

Our services are an opportunity to encounter God and hear what He wants to say to us and usually last around 90 minutes. Services are informal in style with songs - both modern and old, prayer, and talks with multi-media based on the Bible.
There is also time to chat and share as tea and coffee are served  after the service.
We don’t dress up or down, we are pleased to welcome people to come just as they are to join us.

Most Sunday mornings we offer activities for children, including a staffed creche. If you would prefer to stay with your child that is fine, the service is streamed into creche.

Periodically we all stay together for a shorter service which caters for the youngest to the oldest and enables us to bless each other  and learn together.


We also share Communion once a month (normally on the third  Sunday) which is open to anyone, whether they are a regular at BBC or not, who follow Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

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